...and we are up and running, our first night was great fun!
After learning how to wear our coin scarves, we learnt the basic belly dancer posture and practiced standing against a wall to check we were doing it correctly. Some good stretching and it was into our first move - the hip flick. We started with a big floppy version then learnt how to bring it in and control/emphasize our "flick". Lots of laughs ensued as jingles started echoing throughout the hall - the ladies were getting their flick on! We learnt how to walk around with a flick, and practiced doing singles and doubles. It's a great way to start to learn how to do your hip shimmy.
To give our legs a break, we moved up and started working on our chest lifts, not as easy as it looks when you do it correctly! We worked on having pretty hands and the basics of hand circles, it was certainly new and exciting for everyone.
Finally, we slowed things down and moved onto the floor for our final cool down. Some more good stretching and we were finish, it all went so quickly.
Thanks to my wonderful ladies for coming along to the very first class, you all did an amazing job! I can't wait to watch you develop.
Next week we will be building on our hip flicks and starting to learn some very basic hip circle. We will also be learning to isolate our stomach muscles in preparation for a stomach undulation....now that is going to be a fun challenge!
Until next week, take care, Kalena x